Arcane Frost
Decal and VFX concepting

Decal and VFX concepting

A few textures of the effect that I created.

A few textures of the effect that I created.

This was my entry for the 12th Annual World of Warcraft Student Art Contest. I was inspired by and drew inspiration from Kali Eve Goss's Blue Dragon Nova VFX/concept art and Justin Peterson's Frost Breath VFX.

My goal with this effect was to infuse these existing concepts with my unique perspective and creativity. This resulted in an ability that features a windup animation that builds tension and anticipation, followed by the launch of a powerful projectile. The AOE element of the ability holds enemies in place, creating opportunities for strategic positioning and follow-up attacks. Additionally, the ability deals damage over time, making enemies and players think about their next move.

Also, as always, I would like to give a big shout-out to the VFX Apprentice community for their valuable feedback and support <3!

Kali Eve Goss's Blue Dragon Nova:
Justin Peterson's Frost Breath: